Crystals & Metaphysical Properties

We use crystals and gemstones quite often in our handcrafted jewelry. Not only are they natural and beautiful, but some find comfort in their metaphysical properties.  Below is a list of the stones that we often use and a brief description of those properties. 


Metaphysical Properties: Known as a protective stone, turquoise is believed to enhance communication, promote spiritual attunement, and provide overall well-being.

African Turquoise:

Metaphysical Properties: Often used as a transformational stone, African turquoise is thought to bring about positive change, encourage personal growth, and open the mind to new possibilities.

Rose Quartz:

Metaphysical Properties: Known as the stone of love, rose quartz is associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing. It is believed to enhance relationships, self-love, and attract positive energy.

Aura Quartz:

Metaphysical Properties: Aura quartz is created by treating natural quartz with precious metals, producing a range of vibrant colors. It is believed to enhance spiritual insight, amplify energy, and promote healing.


Metaphysical Properties: A powerful grounding and protective stone, obsidian is associated with shielding against negativity, promoting self-discovery, and assisting in emotional healing.


Metaphysical Properties: Known as the "merchant's stone," citrine is associated with abundance, prosperity, and positive energy. It is believed to enhance creativity, motivation, and clarity of thought.


Metaphysical Properties: Sunstone is associated with bringing joy and warmth. It is believed to promote vitality, increase confidence, and encourage a positive outlook.

Imperial Jasper:

Metaphysical Properties: Imperial jasper is associated with grounding and stability. It is believed to enhance endurance, provide a sense of tranquility, and promote spiritual growth.

Clear Quartz:

Metaphysical Properties: Clear quartz is considered a master healer, amplifying energy and intention. It is associated with clarity of thought, spiritual awareness, and balancing energy.


Metaphysical Properties: Apatite is associated with personal growth, clarity, and motivation. It is believed to enhance creativity, intellect, and communication.


Metaphysical Properties: Amethyst is known for its calming and protective qualities. It is associated with spiritual growth, intuition, and promoting a sense of balance.


Metaphysical Properties: Amazonite is associated with soothing and balancing energies. It is believed to enhance communication, creativity, and promote a sense of calm.

Green Fluorite:

Metaphysical Properties: Green fluorite is associated with cleansing and healing. It is believed to enhance focus, intuition, and balance emotional well-being.

Lapis Lazuli:

Metaphysical Properties: Lapis lazuli is associated with spiritual awareness and self-expression. It is believed to enhance intuition, promote inner peace, and stimulate creativity.

Red Agate:

Metaphysical Properties: Red agate is associated with grounding and protection. It is believed to enhance courage, vitality, and promote a sense of security.


Metaphysical Properties: Magnesite is associated with calming and relaxing energies. It is believed to enhance visualization, promote emotional balance, and encourage a positive outlook.


Metaphysical Properties: Howlite is associated with calming the mind and emotions. It is believed to aid in stress relief, enhance patience, and promote a sense of calm.


Metaphysical Properties: Opalite is associated with enhancing spiritual communication and intuition. It is believed to bring about inner peace, improve relationships, and promote emotional healing.

Carnelian Agate:

Metaphysical Properties: Carnelian is associated with vitality and motivation. It is believed to enhance courage, creativity, and boost energy levels.


**note: stones are not a guarantee of their suggested metaphysical properties and should not be used in place of healthcare. 

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